Sunday, September 25, 2011

16 Weeks-The size of an avocado

I am 16 weeks pregnant, the baby is the size of an avocado. MMMmm... avocado, guacamole. If your wondering if I am having cravings, the answer is yes! I have become a fan of pinterest were I can browse delicious looking recipes that make my mouth water. I don't know if it is a friend or an enemy. It depends on how hungry I am when looking at them. In other news, I am patiently waiting to feel the little baby move. They say you can feel little flutters between 16 and 20 weeks. It still feels so surreal. Although I have gained 10 pounds and have what I think to be a clear baby bump It still doesn't feel real. I think once I feel the baby move I will be able to make more of a connection. It hard when I have only heard the heart beat twice and the month in between appointments is long enough for me to get a little nervous, wondering if everything is okay. The fact that I am still growing is positive reinforcement for me that the baby is growing and healthy. We get to find out what we are having in 3 weeks!!! I am so excited, until then I just sit and day dream about the nursery and what colors I will decorate with. According to the experts I should be experiencing a growth spurt in the next few weeks. Stay tuned for a picture of a full blown pregnant lady!