Tuesday, January 24, 2012

33 Weeks

As I continue to grow, and grow, and grow I cant help but think that a grabber like the one pictured above would come in so handy! For all you who have been pregnant, wouldn't this be amazing? Bending over had become a chore. Getting dressed is a workout in itself, especially trying to put on shoes. Thank goodness for my slip on Uggs :) I think about how the grabber would come in handy when laying on the couch and the remote is just out of reach...... I should really get one of these! 

The baby is the size of a pineapple, weighing 4 pounds and measures 17 inches. I swear sometimes she feels like a pineapple too, poking and prodding my ribs (ouch!). Its daunting to think that she will gain 3-4 more pounds by the time the delivery comes. I welcome it though, as long as she is healthy. Jared and I are starting to day dream about whether she will have dark hair, or big brown eyes, who she will resemble more??? We cant wait to meet her. The weeks are going to pretty fast believe it or not. We have had our birthing class every week which we have really enjoyed, and I have the Bachelor to watch every Monday with Miriam (its our guilty pleasure). The countdown continues until the delivery day!!!

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