Friday, August 17, 2012

Ellie- 5 Months

I feel like 5 months snuck up on me. We are so lucky to be the parents to this little girl. She has such a fun personality! Updates on Ellie include:

Rolling over the entire living room. If we leave the room, we come back to find her on the other side of the room. It's time to start hiding the power cords. What's with kids finding power cords anyways, they are drawn to them!

She is eating solid food like a CHAMP! She eats sweet potatoes, green beans and bananas. I am pretty proud of her. I am also proud of myself because I made it all! Let me tell you, making baby food is so EASY! I just steam the veggie and then put them in the food processor. Add a little water and blend until smooth. I freeze it in ice cube trays then pop them out and store them in freezer bags. When its time to eat, I put one ice cube size of food in the microwave and warm it up. I have still been mixing some rice cereal and formula into the food, so it only needs about 30 second to warm up. With ONE sweet potato I got a tray and a half of baby food!!!! That will probably last me 2 weeks!!! The baby food at the store is almost a dollar a piece... I think. Not only does it save a lot of money but I know exactly what Ellie is eating. Veggies and water, that is all that is in the food....NO PRESERVATIVES!!!!
Can you tell I'm excited about this :)

Along with eating solids come real baby poop. I miss there infant, milk only diapers. Since I am cloth diapering, I now have to rinse the diapers in the toilet. Not my favorite thing, but the fact that in 5 months I have only bought one package of diapers helps put things in perspective. 

She is still sleeping through the night! She goes to bed later than I would like, but she is still taking a late nap, which I know she will slowly stop doing. She gets up pretty early and sometimes we go back to bed and sleep in to 9-9:30. Hey I don't have anywhere to be and I only have one kid! I don't know if we lucked out or what but she doesn't have to be swaddled to go to sleep. She sucks her thumb and rolls over and is out. She cries for maybe 10 minutes and then she is asleep. It seems to make things easier, rocking a baby to sleep is tiring. She seems to prefer putting herself to sleep. 

Until next time. We will see what kind of progress she makes in one more month.

 How you doin?

Being Mommy's model


  1. those pictures are so good lynn!!! way to go. you've got such a darn cute model too:)

  2. she has thee most beautiful big eyes! im so happy for your family.
