Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Finding a Home in the Gospel

I swear this is my last post for the day. So I was reading a story in the Ensign last night and it really got me thinking. It was titled "Finding a Home in the Gospel" It was the story of a convert and maybe its the same story most converts have but it sounded so similar to my conversion. The boy in the story was raised in a different faith, but learned about Jesus Christ at a young age. Later when he was introduced to the gospel, he already had a foundation and a belief in Christ and he found all the other missing pieces. This is exactly the way I felt when I was introduced to the gospel. I guess thats why it was such an easy decision for me because I already had the belief in Christ and everything else just made so much sense. The boy in the story goes on to face opposition when his family doesn't accept his decision and then is faced with the decision to marry in the temple. Um Hello....this is the story of the last few years of my life! I faced the same opposition from my family and was able to get through it and found so much strength in the gospel and through prayer and especially from people around me. The story of the boy concludes with him later in life raising his children in the gospel and one of his children comes to him and thanks him for choosing the gospel so many years before. He realizes that the gospel will not only bless his life but his children as well. I know that the decision I made almost three year ago what the right one. It has made my life better and it lead me to my husband who is the most wonderful blessing in my life. Some day we will get to have children and raise them in the gospel and share those blessing with them. This story really touched me and I wanted to share it :)


  1. This is beautiful Lynn. You are so right in so many ways. You're a good example to me and you're a huge blessing to our family! We love you.

  2. Wow, are you writing my story, too? I am so grateful for that choice I made 37 years ago. Now I have the opportunity to watch the gospel blossom daily in your life as your little family grows and you are called to apply the beautiful truths of the gospel you had only in part before you came to know the fullness of the gospel. You are a beautiful person and I am so happy to be your "Mom". What a privilege. Beautiful and inspiring post.
