Thursday, March 29, 2012

Eleanor Ann Medley

I realized that I would soon be meeting my daughter at 6:15 in the morning on Monday, March 12. I woke up to use the bathroom and as I was leaving the bathroom my water broke. For those of you who have never experience your water breaking, holy cow, it is a gush of water. Doctors say it can be a gush or a trickle, well this was a gush, and it kept on coming! I yelled for Jared, and we got our bags together. In my mind I thought my water broke I HAVE to get to the hospital NOW. Well we got the the hospital and got admitted by 6:30. My contractions started getting strong and regular by 7:30. They were 5 minuted apart and lasted for about a minute. I was dilated to a 3 at this point. I labored naturally for 6 hours, and had made no progress...still a 3. I couldn't believe that I hadn't made any progress, so I got an epidural. I was so happy I got it, I was finally able to get some rest. Pretty much everything I had written in my birth plan went out the window. I was sick and had a fever so I had to be on antibiotics, and I was put on pitocen since I wasn't progressing. I was able to take my mind off things by watching the Bachelor season finale, and Miriam was there...we had to watch it together!! At this point I was dilated to a 4 or 5, and things started moving faster. At Midnight the doctor had me push, I would make some progress but not enough to keep pushing so I kept waiting. It was finally time to push around 2am. The doctor realized that Ellie was posterior so she had to be turned. So I pushed for 2 hours and felt every minute of it. The epidural had started to wear off, it was crazy! Ellie finally greeted the world at around 3:45, weighing 8lb 15 oz. Almost 9 pounds!!!! She had to be taken right to the nursery to be monitored because her heart rate had gone up pretty high during delivery. She also had a fever since I had a fever. Jared went with Ellie while they finished things up with me. I was SO TIRED. I had labored for 22 hours, and couldn't eat anything except jello and Popsicles the whole time. I was so out of it. We ended up staying in the hospital for 3 days. Ellie had to be in the ICU only because she had to be on antibiotics as a precaution. It was tough having to go to the ICU every time I had to feed but the nurses were so nice and helpful, which made it a little easier. We were so happy to be able to come home and settle in. 

This was such a crazy experience, not at all how I thought it would go. I had an awesome experience delivering at American Fork Hospital, everyone there was so nice. Jared and I are so proud of our beautiful daughter. I can't believe we made this baby. After 2 weeks things are feeling more natural, I am feeling so much better, we are getting use to having a baby in the house. We just love Ellie so much, and my love for Jared has grown so much. I am so grateful for him, I couldn't have gotten through labor without him. We love our little family, and can't wait to see Ellie grow. 

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