Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ellie Ann- 12 weeks

I cant believe it has been 12 weeks since our little Ellie entered this world. It is already hard to remember her at only a few weeks old, she was so tiny! She is getting so big, and her personality is really starting coming out.  I thought I would never feel the same right after having her, but I feeling back to normal, and even ran a mile today.Parenthood has been a crazy journey so far, but so rewarding. It is so trying somedays with her, but it's amazing how a tiny child can bring you to your breaking point, then in a single moment once they fall asleep or crack a smile you can look at them and realize it's all worth it, and they are so precious. She is on the verge of laughing, and I can't wait to hear it! Parenthood is amazing, I love walking into her room in the morning and seeing her light up with a smile when she sees me. Jared is doing  great as a dad, and does so much to help out.

 Ellie is been a pretty good baby so far. She is a great sleeper, she wakes up about once a night to eat, and has even slept through the night a few times. She isn't the best eater, and has made me want to give up on breastfeeding a few times. I am going to stick it out but boy does it frustrate me. Luckily she takes a bottle, so there have been those few nights where I am out of ideas and I give in. 

Before I had Ellie, and even while I was pregnant I didn't really know how I would be as a mother. I am actually impressed with myself. I find that her crying doesn't bug me too much. Dont get me wrong I have the days when I am totally spent but as far her crying in the car, it doesn't give me anxiety. I guess I figure she is either tired or hungry. If she is tired she is bound to fall asleep and if she is hungry we will be home or wherever we are going in 10-15 minutes and she can eat then. I am always worried that her crying is bugging someone else, because it doesn't bother me too much. I cant wait for her to hit more mile stones, we are grateful to be her parents, she is an absolute joy!

BTW: Jared has been dealing with her this whole time, she is having a bad day and night :/

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