Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Ellie- 13 Months

So this is what it's like to have a one year old. Suddenly her eating habits went from amazing to....not so much. She decided she wants to be picky. Although I shouldn't complain she still eats more foods than most kids I know, just less than what she was eating before. I'm guessing this is due to the 4 top teeth she has gotten in the last month. Teething hasn't been too bad, she still sleeps through the night, so I can't complain. She has started to understand more of what we are saying. For example: when we say lets go take a bath she walks to the bathroom door. She walks to the kitchen when we ask if she wants some milk. She knows what her favorite toys are by name and will go get them when you ask her to. It amazes me. She loves loves loves stuffed animals, she has a favorite monkey and cheetah that she carries around the house. We still can't believe how independent she is. When we are out and she walks away from us we say "bye bye" and wave, she will turn and wave and continue on her way. I wonder where she thinks she is going, what is her thought process? 

We had 3 weeks of swim lessons this last month. It was really fun, we met some new friends and she had a blast in the water. She went all the way under the water a few times and learned to blow bubbles (sort of). I know she wont have any hesitation when it comes to the pool this summer. Once again miss independent didn't want me to hold her in the pool, I wasn't going to let her find out what happen if I let go (sink)!  

In other news: Jared got a bike. Well I told him he was getting one. He loves to bike and needs to get more exercise, so a bike is the solution. He is loving it so far, and I borrowed Miriam's bike and now I want one too. We went on a 10 mile family ride last Sunday to the duck pond. So much fun!!


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