Sunday, June 22, 2014


I don't even know where to start. The last few months have been such a whirl wind! Lets just start back in the beginning of May. I lost my sweet Grammie which made for an emotional overload coupled with waiting to hear about closing on our house. Buying a house turns out to be quite stressful, and the sale wasn't even a complicated one. We had to wait for multiple inspections due to the fact the home had been flipped. While waiting to hear about our closing date I had to pack, but not pack everything in case everything fell through AHHHHH. I was so stressed. Meanwhile I was coping with leaving our first apartment, the apartment we brought Ellie home to. Leaving our ward, the FIRST family ward I have ever been a part of and leaving my best friends. One of which is moving to Europe so yeah there is all of that! All that stress and emotion of course caused me to get little sleep, so I got sick and then broke out in a rash..from what?? STRESS! Then lets throw in multiple trip to Ogden, and hour away, a Nickel Creek concert, and multiple photo shoots. We were so busy and I'm not sure if we have exhaled yet.

But guess what? We closed on our house, I sobbed like a baby at church saying goodbye to the sweet primary kids, I sobbed while I said farewell to my friends, and sobbed while I swept and mopped our apartment one last time. This type of emotion is normal...RIGHT? But then we got to our house in Ogden and we couldn't be happier.

This house is everything I wanted in a starter home. It has the space we desperately needed and the character and charm we wanted. The neighborhood is great, and we love Ogden. Home Sweet Home!

I sure am going to miss these ladies! 

We visited our favorite sports up Provo Canyon before leaving. Big Springs and South Fork Park.

Ellie's friends. I miss these little kids already!

Signing away! We bought a house!

Photo shoot in Springville.

We couldn't fit everything in the Uhaul. I couldn't believe it. Do we really have that much stuff?!?

Goodbye Basement......Hello House! I already loving all the light in our house!

The tree on the left has since been cut down. It was a really old rotten apple tree. :(

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