Sunday, July 26, 2015

Our Garden & June

Our garden finally took off. We planted right on time in early May then got a month of rain and the plants didn't do much. June hit and it's been so hot, they have exploded. We planted zucchini, tomatoes, bell peppers, Anaheim peppers, basil, corn, pumpkins and cucumbers. Everything is doing great, and we already harvested zucchini and peppers. Waiting patiently on our tomatoes to ripen, although I don't know what I will do with all of them. Pretty sure canning is going to be out of the question when I'm 9 months pregnant!

last year I threw our pumpkins we bought at the pumpkin patch in the back yard to decompose and tilled them into the soil in the spring. So many pumpkins sprouted! I definitely recommend doing this if you have the room. 

Corn from seed. Super excited about this! I figured if they didn't make it I would only be out $1.50 for the package of seed. 

Naomi was a life saver through the month of June. Play dates with cousins is the best. Swim, eat, swim, craft, swim, tv (repeat)

Ellie after an afternoon playing with Jack

Ellie washing her cars and animals. This was such a good activity to keep her busy. Bowl of soapy water and bowl of clean water. Kept her busy for an hour!

Most exciting news for the month was...We got a new car! We have been a one car family for 3 years. This worked great for use when Jared worked in downtown and took the train. When he got his new job in North Salt Lake we realized it was a little far from the station and he was taking the car most days of the week. Jared also has tons of freelance work that keeps him busy and driving into Salt Lake and Park City. Long story short we got a new car. We did a lot of research and decided on a Chevy Traverse. It's a crossover suv so there is a third row of seats that can fold up or down. We are really excited about it and I have a car now so I'm not stranded at home!

We celebrated the 4th this year starting at 7am for a flag raising ceremony and parade at our church building. Ellie looked adorable and she got a doughnut for breakfast. She was a happy girl!

30 weeks pregnant in this picture. We are getting there. I will be so happy for this pregnancy to be over, really ready to meet our little girl! Ellie is excited too. I managing my pain pretty well, haven't been doing much. Sitting around on my pillows and waddling around like I'm more pregnant than I am. The baby looks great though. She is head down and sitting really low. I'm thinking it's going to be a really fast labor. Maybe it's wishful thinking but anything is short after 24 hours (Ellie's birth). 

Lots of snuggles for this one lately. Soaking it in, plus she is entertained while I sit around.

Such a little helper lately!

These two lately have been loving each other. Rosie and Ellie play together constantly. Ellie is the only one Rosie will drop the ball for. They are just too cute. We are lucky to have Rosie, she is such a great dog!

Fun dinner with our friends the Ashby's. So excited for them to have their first little girl. So fun having dinner and talking pregnancy and babies with Katie!

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