Saturday, September 19, 2015

Lucille Jean Medley - Birth Story

Lucille Jean Medley
 is HERE!

Wednesday 9-2-15
8lbs 13oz
20 inches

I thought she would have been here earlier based on what my doctor was saying. At my 36 week appointment I was already dilated to a 4 almost 5 and she was sitting really low. The doctor said to me " I don't think you will be pregnant for another two weeks". This got me really excited, then another week went by. I was still pregnant, dilated to a 5 and my blood pressure was a little high. My parents arrived in town and helped my stress level drop. We now had a go to, to watch Ellie if I went into labor in the middle of the night. Well I made it to my 38 week appointment and I was about to punch my doctor for giving me false hope of having this baby early. I was 38 week and 6 days, swollen, tired, and in pain. Well my blood pressure had gotten higher than the week before, I felt really foggy and a little dizzy and I had protein in my urine which means I had the early signs of preeclampsia. So my doctor advised me to be induced. I trust my doctor so we were having a baby that day. He wanted me to walk down the hallway to labor delivery and get admitted and get started on antibiotics (I was also Step B positive and had to be on antibiotics 4 hours before baby was born). I was overwhelmed and stressed, don't get me wrong I wanted this baby out, I just didn't think I would be getting induced. I decided to go home, pick Ellie up from preschool and get my hospital bag and head back to the hospital. We got to the hospital at around 11 and got admitted to be induced. I was dilated to a 6 ( I hadn't felt any contractions, just normal braxton hicks, nothing major). At 3:35 they started me on pitocin, I was dilated to a 7 and still had no pain. When the nurse told me I was at a 7, I thought no way, isn't this suppose to be transition and super painful? At 4:30 my doctor came in and broke my water. I have to add that Miriam was there and boy am I happy she was. I think I would have been in major trouble trying to do an unmedicated birth without her. She knew exactly what to do and was so relaxed and confident in what she was doing. She was the absolute best. So at 5:50 I was having strong contractions, tearing up during contraction, starting to hurt. I labored on the bed with Jared and Miriam putting counter pressure on my knees. I was at an 8+ for a little while so the nurse had me turn and lean on the back of the bed. Holy Cow it hurt so bad and I felt like pushing!!!! By 7:35 I was at a 9+. At 7:45 I started pushing. I was so tired at this point, hungry and almost felt like I was going to be sick. The only thing that kept me going was the fact that I was so close to being done with labor and our precious babe was going to be here. I pushed through 5 contractions and Lucy arrived at 7:58. I did it! My doctor said "wow she's big". Um yeah, did you not realize that while looking at ultrasounds and measuring my belly?

 Lucille Jean Medley weighted 8.13 and was 20" long. What's with my big babies!? I was able to hold her right after and have skin to skin which I missed out on with Ellie. I loved being able to hold her after and soak in all that had just happened. Jared was so great during my labor. I had Miriam on one leg and Jared on the other holding my knees while it all went down. My mom was up top offering wet wash clothes and coaching me along. My legs wouldn't stop shaking for 2 hours afterward, there was a lot of adrenaline and hormones surging though my body. 

So a 4 hour labor. It felt so much better than a 23 hour labor. I felt much more present and able to soak it all in. I was really happy I was able to get through labor unmedicated. Im not sure I would do it again though. If I could guarantee a 4 hour labor then maybe but it was tough. Recovery has been SO much better. I spent 2 nights at the hospital and we came home Friday afternoon.  We had such a great experience. I loved my doctor and Mckay Dee Hospital was awesome. Everything worked out so well, my parents were able to stay another week and spend time with Lucy and help around the house and with Ellie. We are adjusting to having a baby in the house, stuff all over the place, sleepiness, and spit up. I'm so glad my recovery has been better, it makes adjusting much better. I have lost 30lbs in ten days. I was swollen people, so crazy! It's miraculous what our bodies go through to grow a baby. 

We are a family of 4 and so excited to have our little Lucy here.

Look at them cheeks!

Big Sister!

Check out that swirl in her hair. Jared said it looked like a hurricane.

My girls.

Checking out Lucy...belly button, fingers and toes.

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