Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Life with Lucy

I cannot believe how good the recovery was after having Lucy. I know it has to go with multiple factors; it was my second baby, it was a 4 hour labor, I had an unmedicated birth, etc. Whatever the reason though, it was amazing. I felt so great right when I got home, ready to go out for a walk, able to get up and get dinner ready. After I had Ellie I didn't feel like that for at least a month. I lost 30 pounds in 2 weeks so thats always great. Our bodies are amazingly weird things. 

 We are adjusting to having two kids. Ellie has been great, she is a great helper, and loves Lucy. It's amazing how a baby just fits right into your family, like she was always just meant to be here with us. It definitely takes way longer to get out of the house, and longer to get anything done. I was really use to the schedule Ellie and I had going so it's an adjustment. After getting Ellie something to eat and feeding Lucy I have to remind myself what it was that I was going to do...oh yeah, I had to go to the bathroom haha. Suddenly life is a lot busier 

Lucy has been sleeping great at night, usually waking up once or twice. The days on the other hand we are still adjusting to. We are still trying to get her napping routine down for the day time. I've had to come to the realization that I will be wearing her more than I did with Ellie. Lucy doesn't care for the car seat. It has mad for some stressful drives. Fingers crossed she grows out of that, the idea of driving for more than 10 or 15 minutes makes me cringe. 

I'm happy to say Lucy looks like me!! Those Medley genes are strong, but Lucy is definitely a Larkin, she looks a lot like I did as a baby. 

September is going to be a busy month from here on out. Lucy's Birthday, our anniversary and Jared's Birthday. This year we celebrated at home, Ellie and I made Jared a cake (dinosaur cake of course). 

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