Monday, April 18, 2016

Dinosaur Dance Party

As Ellie gets older I have a hard time deciding whether to have a friend party or family party or both. This year we just went for the family party, I didn't have the energy to throw two parties. We had a dinosaur birthday with a dino egg hunt and dance party. The kids ate dino nuggets, lots of candy and cake. We lucked out with nicer than normal March weather and Ellie had a great time. 

Ellie's big gift this year was a big kid bike. We got her a Good Dinosaur bike with training wheels. She loves it! We were really back and forth with whether to do training wheels or a balance bike. The training wheels won, she is able to have fun and go fast sooner. 

Dino Egg Hunt. 

Tie dye cake. Came out great!!

Dino Dance Party!

Birthday gifts from Uncle Ross and Aunt Lynsie

A picture I came across of me Pregnant with Ellie. I think she was 3 days late.

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