Sunday, April 9, 2017

Ellie Ann Medley - 5 YEARS OLD

Honorary photos for Miss Ellie. Oh man so many emotions about Ellie turning 5. She is such a great kid. Jared and I were just talking about how Ellie will compliment us or others. I love her ability to do this. "Mom this is a really good dinner" " I love your painting that't beautiful"  etc. etc. This is a testament to the type of kid she is. She is loving, friendly, outgoing at times and shy the next. She is becoming more confident and brave to try new things. She is excelling at preschool, and she's loved by her teachers.

In the car on the way home the other day she told me she told a boy she liked him and he "freaked out" excuse me?! I asked what she said she like about the boy and she said "I told him I thought he was cute, he freaked out, then I chased him" .......  :D Oh boy we are in for it!

I love watching her learn new things, and develop new interests. She enjoys art and sports. She is as energetic as ever, always bouncing and jumping and pretending to be an animal. She doesn't realize how big she is and jumps on me constantly. 

She cares for Lucy and does the cutest baby talk to her. She is helpful and I think she enjoys Lucy being around 95% of the time. She's not happy when trying to build a train track or build with legos. 

I could go on and on but I just I'll wrap up by saying how overwhelmed I am by the love others have for Ellie. Family of course loves her but our friends. Friend of ours that we've known for years and even people who've only known her a short time, like her sweet primary teachers. Her primary teacher brought her balloons and a cupcake. Our sweet neighbor, who act as an honorary grandma brought her a gift and takes her on regular walks in the afternoons. It's just so overwhelming and I feel extremely blessed to have people like this in our lives and especially our children's lives. 


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