Saturday, April 12, 2014

Back from a Hiatus

Where have the Medley's been and why has my blogging seized....two words BIJOU MARKET. I decided to sell some crochets good at Bijou Market which is happening this weekend! I have been so busy crocheting that I haven't had much time for blogging. So lets back track a few months. Here are some updates. 

I treated myself to a new diaper bag. I loved my old Vera Bradley bad, but the straps were wearing out so I upgraded! I love it already and it's a shoulder bag and backpack, perfect to wear while chasing an energetic toddler!

Here I am working on a blanket. I ended up with 9 blankets and a bunch of other stuff, but I'll save those details for another post.

Jared was busy busy the last few months with website work and photography. He landed a job through our Bishop in our ward for a website. It is a company that designs custom cabinets. Not only did Jared build them a beautiful website HERE, he also photographed all their recent work. He had the opportunity to photograph some beautiful homes, and we were really excited with how everything turned out. 

The owner of one of the homes he photographed has a business designing fabric and so Jared landed a job as her product photographer. Connections, connections!! I'm so proud of him!

Then there is Ellie. There will be a post all dedicated to her 2nd birthday. Yes she turned 2 and she has been pretty crazy. The terrible 2's are true and they have hit our home in full force. Lord help me!

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