Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Aspen Grove | Summit Trail Head

"Going to the mountains is going home"
John Muir

My adventure with Miriam and Aaron was so much fun, I took Jared 3 days later. Jared was busy all week preparing and executing the photo booth for the In n Out burger employee picnic. This is the third year he has done it, and it's a pretty good gig. It is a hot and busy two full days but it's great to have the repeat business and free In n Out ALL day!

Needless to say he needed he could use some time in the mountains. We were scouting out some spots for photo shoots and started our hike from the summit trail head up American Fork Canyon. There is a great view of Timp and plenty of aspen trees! Prepare for a picture overload!

Here are the pictures I took with my Nikon D3200

Here is what Jared took with his Nikon D700. I mean seriously his pictures are so good. We were standing the in the same spots with the same settings on our camera! His camera is so nice, I was jealous! Good thing I am married to him and can look at these pictures all the time!

Ready for a snack

1 comment:

  1. what a gorgeous spot for pictures! you are a good photographer!
