Friday, August 9, 2013

Ellie- 17 Months

I haven't devoted a whole post to Ellie in a while, so here it goes. She will be 17 months old next week and she is a full blown toddler. Some of the new things she has learned include:

Learning words and sounds that correlate ( she is recognizing an airplane or a truck)

Purpose of objects (brush, spoon, toothbrush, Q-tip, wipes, keys, sunglasses)

Loves the pool- and went down the slide all by her self. She will also walk all the way into the water until she is up to her chin. She would probably drown if I let her. 

Spins in circles

Her hair is long enough for pig tails

She can make an elephant sound

She is recognizing the difference between the "m" sound and the "n" sound


Also this big girl spent the last hour of church in nursery all by herself, two weeks in a row. Didn't cry when Jared dropped her off and didn't want to leave. Where has my baby gone?

We have been having so much fun this summer. She is at such a fun age, where she can interact and participate in a lot of activities. I know at some point we will be ready for another baby, but we just like hanging out with Ellie too much to add another one to the mix. 

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