Friday, August 22, 2014

Ellie Lately

Motherhood has been kicking my butt lately. Ellie has a new fear of the bathtub. The drain in our new bathtub is pretty loud and I'm pretty sure she thinks she is going to get sucked down. She has gotten a little better but bath time is definitely not her favorite time of the day. She is afraid of the sound of airplanes. This one started when a 747 or some kind of jet flew over the house. Since then wailing has ensued every time a plane flies over. Let me just interject that we live maybe 20 minutes from an air force base. Can you guess how many planes fly over the house each day?! It makes my day very long, playing outside is kind of out of the question. Each time a plane flies over she immediately crawls into my lap or demands to be held. I know its just a phase. This too shall pass.

In the moments when she isn't melting down over who knows what she is a great kid. I can't believe how smart she is. Some of her recent phrases include:

"a airplane flies over the house"
"otto/jack flying in the airplane"
"o dinner time"
"cook baby monkey"
"daddy work"
"daddy home"
"go to grandmas house"
" Go to nomi's house"
"watch a show"
"poopy on da poddy" (she is not potty trained yet, she has had a few successful tries though)
my favorite is "thanks mom or mommy" (melts my heart)

See that chair in the picture below? Let me tell you a story about this chair. 
The day started out great, we were going to get out of the house, run some errands, etc. I went to the DI to browse (I hadn't been to the one in Ogden yet). I saw this chair, and though it would be perfect for our front room, and only $10! Just by looking at it I thought I better have Jared pick it up later when I don't have the car seat. I got into to the car and though hmmmm maybe it will fit. I went around to the pick up area and told them I was going to give it a try. Well you know when you have a trunk load of stuff and its kind of tight but you just slam it shut and it all smashes in? That didn't happen, I though it would though. It was tight, but I closed the hatch back and....... the glass shattered!! I was in shock, and so mad at myself. The DI worker must have thought I was crazy. The smart thing to do would have been to leave the chair in the back end with the chair leg sticking out the back window but in my shock and panic I took the chair out and Jared picked it up that night. So this $10 chair ended up being $260. SIGH!

The day Ellie napped on my bed. This has never happened.

Little family watching the rain storm

My sugar baby holding my sugar baby. This is a sugar baby watermelon. I picked it too early (this is my first year growing watermelon) Made for a cute picture though.


  1. I posted an earlier comment but I don't think it worked ... I loved all of this! ANd I love the picture of Ellie on the swing :)

    1. Thanks Miriam! I love that picture too. Right place at the right time. A happy toddler always makes for a great photo!
