Monday, October 7, 2013

Lake Blanche

Lake Blanche, Big Cottonwood Canyon

We have wanted to do this hike for a while. I had seen someone post pictures of it and thought it was beautiful. Well I didn't research anything else about it, turns out it is 6 miles round trip with 3,000 ft. of elevation gain and loss. It was one heck of a hike. We packed snacks but I definitely wish I had worn different shoes. Curse you Chacos! By the end of the hike I had three huge blisters and was in a lot of pain. Despite the tough hike it was a great day. We had a great view of Sundial peak and Lake Blanche was beautiful. We could see all the way to the Great Salt Lake and caught a few fall colors. Such a great way to end our anniversary week and Jared's birthday week. Every weekend from here until the middle of November we have booked with photo shoots, so basically this was our last free weekend. So happy we have been able to explore so much this summer!





So Jared was telling me that whenever they would go hiking or backpacking as kids, that Ric would always find a perfect flat rock to lay on and take a nap or relax. Jared said this rock was absolutely perfect and proceeded to lay on it and take in the beauty of the day. He said Ric would be jealous!


We should have probably read this sign before we started, we would have at least had an idea or what we were in for.

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